General information

  • Location: Praha and Kladno, location based on age category 
    • U11 –  Miners Kladno, map here and here
    • U13 –  SaBaT Praha, map here, SK Kotlářka Praha, map here
    • U15 –  Eagles Praha, map here, Tempo Praha, map here, Kotlářka Praha, map here
  • Date:  August 28th till 31st 2025. The tournament is scheduled to start on Thursday morning (if 16 teams participate).
  • Categories:
    • U11 (date of birth from January 1st 2014 till December 31st 2016)
    • U13 (date of birth from January 1st 2012 till December 31st 2013)
    • U15 (date of birth from January 1st 2010 till December 31st 2011)
      The organizer reserves the right to grant exceptions to the rule in extreme cases..
  • Number of teams: 8 to 16 teams per category.
  • Starting fee: 5.500,- CZK or 220 €. The entry fee must be paid by 31 May 2025. In case of failure to pay on time, the team on the waiting list will be replaced.
  • Balls: Provided by the organizer, official ball SSK GM
  • Umpires: Provided by organizer
  • Tournament system: We guarantee 4 games with the three-day system, 5 games with the four-day system. The organizers will announce the specific system after the close of teams registration
  • Game rules:
    • U11 – the game is played for 90 minutes + overtime or 6 innings. Difference 10 points after 4 innings, 15 points after 3 innings, 20 points after 2 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 6 innings with no time limit. 
    • U13 – the game is played for 90 minutes + overtime or 7 innings. Difference 10 points after 5 innings, 15 points after 4 innings, 20 points after 3 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 7 innings with no time limit..
    • U15 – the game is played for 105 minutes + overtime or 7 innings. Difference 10 points after 5 innings, 15 points after 4 innings, 20 points after 3 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 7 innings with no time limit..
  • End of the game:
    • A) In the game after the end of entire inning is less than 5 minutes remaining, a new inning will not start
    • B) If the home team is in the lead and the time limit expires, the match is not played
    • C) Ties are not allowed in the tournament
    • D) In the game of a tie after a specified number of innings have been played or in the event of the time limit expiring, the tiebreaker rule in the current CBA rules will come into effect.
  • Pitches: A pitcher can finish a batter over the day's limit. A pitcher may only throw in one game per day. Pitches over the daily limit will count towards the tournament limit. A pitcher who exceeds the daily limit at which he is allowed to pitch on the second day may pitch on the second day when the batter is finished. Only fastball and changeup pitches are allowed in the U11 and U13 categories, Other technical pitches will be declared a ball by the umpire. In the U15 category there is no restriction on technical pitches.
    • U11
      • Tournament limit 130 pitches
      • Daily limit of 80 pitches 
      • 20 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 30 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 45 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest 
    • U13
      • Tournament limit 140 pitches
      • Daily limit of 90 pitches 
      • 25 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 35 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 50 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest
    • U15
      • Tournament limit 155 pitches
      • Daily limit of 95 pitches  
      • 30 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 45 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 60 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest 
  • Catchers: A quarterback cannot start at the pitching position if he has already started the game as a catcher. A pitcher cannot start at catcher if he has already started the game as a pitcher.
  • Bats: For U11 and U13 categories the same restrictions apply as for tournaments organized by the CBA. Only for the U15 category big barrels are allowed
  • Third strike: According to the current Czech rules, the third strike does not mean an automatic out and it is necessary to play a forced out if the first base is not occupied with less than 2 outs.
  • Accommodation: The organisers will send a list of partner hotels on request and help arrange accommodation.
  • Meals: Organizers will help provide meals for registered teams.
  • Deadline for entries: May 1st 2025 or until the capacity of the tournament is reached
  • Awards ceremony: The winner of each tournament will receive a traveling trophy that will be lent to the next year's tournament. The top batter, pitcher and MVP of each tournament will be awarded an individual prize. An award ceremony is mandatory for the tournament semifinalists. We will be very happy if others will participate.
Created: 13.01.2025
Zelenkova 530/3
142 00 Praha 12
General information
  • Location: Praha and Kladno, location based on age category 
    • U11 –  Miners Kladno, map here and here
    • U13 –  SaBaT Praha, map here, SK Kotlářka Praha, map here
    • U15 –  Eagles Praha, map here, Tempo Praha, map here, Kotlářka Praha, map here
  • Date:  August 28th till 31st 2025. The tournament is scheduled to start on Thursday morning (if 16 teams participate).
  • Categories:
    • U11 (date of birth from January 1st 2014 till December 31st 2016)
    • U13 (date of birth from January 1st 2012 till December 31st 2013)
    • U15 (date of birth from January 1st 2010 till December 31st 2011)
      The organizer reserves the right to grant exceptions to the rule in extreme cases..
  • Number of teams: 8 to 16 teams per category.
  • Starting fee: 5.500,- CZK or 220 €. The entry fee must be paid by 31 May 2025. In case of failure to pay on time, the team on the waiting list will be replaced.
  • Balls: Provided by the organizer, official ball SSK GM
  • Umpires: Provided by organizer
  • Tournament system: We guarantee 4 games with the three-day system, 5 games with the four-day system. The organizers will announce the specific system after the close of teams registration
  • Game rules:
    • U11 – the game is played for 90 minutes + overtime or 6 innings. Difference 10 points after 4 innings, 15 points after 3 innings, 20 points after 2 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 6 innings with no time limit. 
    • U13 – the game is played for 90 minutes + overtime or 7 innings. Difference 10 points after 5 innings, 15 points after 4 innings, 20 points after 3 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 7 innings with no time limit..
    • U15 – the game is played for 105 minutes + overtime or 7 innings. Difference 10 points after 5 innings, 15 points after 4 innings, 20 points after 3 innings ends the game. The final game is played over 7 innings with no time limit..
  • End of the game:
    • A) In the game after the end of entire inning is less than 5 minutes remaining, a new inning will not start
    • B) If the home team is in the lead and the time limit expires, the match is not played
    • C) Ties are not allowed in the tournament
    • D) In the game of a tie after a specified number of innings have been played or in the event of the time limit expiring, the tiebreaker rule in the current CBA rules will come into effect.
  • Pitches: A pitcher can finish a batter over the day's limit. A pitcher may only throw in one game per day. Pitches over the daily limit will count towards the tournament limit. A pitcher who exceeds the daily limit at which he is allowed to pitch on the second day may pitch on the second day when the batter is finished. Only fastball and changeup pitches are allowed in the U11 and U13 categories, Other technical pitches will be declared a ball by the umpire. In the U15 category there is no restriction on technical pitches.
    • U11
      • Tournament limit 130 pitches
      • Daily limit of 80 pitches 
      • 20 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 30 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 45 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest 
    • U13
      • Tournament limit 140 pitches
      • Daily limit of 90 pitches 
      • 25 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 35 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 50 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest
    • U15
      • Tournament limit 155 pitches
      • Daily limit of 95 pitches  
      • 30 pitches, pitcher can pitch the next day
      • 45 pitches, pitcher must have a day of rest
      • 60 pitches, the pitcher must have two days of rest 
  • Catchers: A quarterback cannot start at the pitching position if he has already started the game as a catcher. A pitcher cannot start at catcher if he has already started the game as a pitcher.
  • Bats: For U11 and U13 categories the same restrictions apply as for tournaments organized by the CBA. Only for the U15 category big barrels are allowed
  • Third strike: According to the current Czech rules, the third strike does not mean an automatic out and it is necessary to play a forced out if the first base is not occupied with less than 2 outs.
  • Accommodation: The organisers will send a list of partner hotels on request and help arrange accommodation.
  • Meals: Organizers will help provide meals for registered teams.
  • Deadline for entries: May 1st 2025 or until the capacity of the tournament is reached
  • Awards ceremony: The winner of each tournament will receive a traveling trophy that will be lent to the next year's tournament. The top batter, pitcher and MVP of each tournament will be awarded an individual prize. An award ceremony is mandatory for the tournament semifinalists. We will be very happy if others will participate.
Created: 13.01.2025
Zelenkova 530/3
142 00 Praha 12